Turbulent: characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm.
That seems to sum up the state of our world today. Pandemics, social unrest, conflict and moral relativism have strained our post modern world to the breaking point. People are looking for answers, solutions to the challenges our country is facing. People are searching for direction, but which direction? There are many ideas on how to resolve the challenges we are facing. While opposing ideologies compete in media, there is violence in the streets and even the destruction of monuments that represent our heritage.
It has been said many times, and in different ways, that it is not what happens to us, but how we respond, that defines us. The challenges we are facing today should not surprise us, in fact, we should expect turbulent times.
Jesus addressed this when He said:
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Matthew 16:33
The Psalmist also reminds us in Psalm 27: 1
The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?
Ultimately, the answers to the problems we are facing are found in Jesus. When Peter was able to walk on the water his eyes were on Jesus. Our focus should continually be on Him and not the waves crashing around us. He tells us, in Matthew, chapter 7, to build our house on the rock. When the storms come, with the wind and waves, we can stand strong in Him, like a lighthouse that directs others to safety. When our focus is on Jesus we are, as Jesus states in Matthew 5:14, “the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”