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New Home in India

Your Celebration Station

Your Celebration Radio Network supports Happy Home, an outreach ministry located in India. This ministry trains and equips pastors to share the Gospel in some of the most impoverished, needy areas of the world. They also feed many needy and homeless children, telling them about Jesus. If there is an opportunity to help and demonstrate the love of Jesus, they are there.

During a recent day of Prayer and Praise Pastor Lax, the founder of Happy Home, requested prayer for a couple whose small home had burned to the ground. The home caught fire, although everyone quickly escaped unhurt, everything they owned was lost. Some listeners called in and donated to assist and Pastor Lax’s team went to work. Much has been done, however, three months later, there is still a great need. The roofing, flooring, plastering and other materials are still needed. Your prayers and support concerning this are appreciated. If you wish to help, mark your support “India Home”. Also, don’t forget to submit your prayer requests on the prayer wall at

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