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Blythe Update

Your Celebration Station

We’re on the home stretch to sign on the new Quartzsite/Blythe station: Our goal? $35,000 And thanks to the generosity of some, we’ve raised $23,760. That leaves us with $11,240 to go.

The antenna pattern for the new station to broadcast on 91.3 FM has been finalized. This has been submitted to the FCC for approval and the antenna system design has undergone special testing by the manufacturer. The new station will reach correctional facilities as well as hundreds of miles of Interstate 10 and Highway 95.

With this powerful signal, we are believing that God’s word will minister to the hearts of those travelling and those incarcerated at California’s Ironwood and Chuckawalla State Prisons.

It was said, “This station will lighten the shadowed areas and penetrate the walls of the prisons. With the equipment needed and the Lords help, we can get this station on the air!”

Thank you for considering a gift to help us complete this project. Give online at

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